Sunday, 6 August 2017

Why Internal Combustion Engines will Face a Ban in The UK

Internal Combustion Engines Banned
Internal Combustion Engines Banned

The reality behind Britain's ban of the all fossil fuel engines

This is something started by the French government and partially followed by the several other E.U. member countries. Now U.K is also entering into the race of these massive decisions when countries China and America are doing just nothing in this regard. China, India, and the USA have more cars than of these European countries the UK and France, but they are motionless on air pollution quality. But the question is that France has started something and we are following it but in a different way and different style and is there any probability of this new trend coming to its fruition? Best Petrol and Diesel Engines Provider in UK more details please visit
New Petrol and Diesel Vehicles to be Banned from 2040
New Petrol and Diesel Vehicles to be Banned from 2040

Imagine the British Stalwarts without internal combustion engines

When you imagine the British cars like the legendary off roading SUVs from Land Rover and powerful speed luxuries by Jaguar or even from Aston Martin, you must think of their legendary engines. But with this new trend of removing the all internal combustion engines from the UK roads, you can even imagine about these stalwarts as they will not be as fun to drive as they are with internal combustion engines. For the Reconditioned Land Rover Engines get free quotes from the trusted suppliers.

What actually happened

The French government has announced that they putting a permanent ban on the sale of all new diesel and petrol power cars by 2040. 
Petrol and Diesel Engines to be banned from 2040
Petrol and Diesel Engines to be banned from 2040

Followed by that news, the fossil fuel engines which are now completing their 100 years of modern engine invention, faced another smack from the UK government when they also announced that the UK government to remove all the diesel and petrol powered cars from the UK roads by 2050 and new petrol and diesel car sales will be stopped by 2040.

Whoa! What’s the justification?

This is not such a small deal, if a country like India announces that they will remove all the diesel and petrol cars from their roads by 2032, we can say that they are asking this for votes from their people as what they have done in the past. Democratic promises in that part of the third world. But in the countries like the UK and France, we can’t imagine this.
Upon the justification, they have announced that the UK and French governments just endorsing trends. Whoa, what a justification. Although electric vehicles development is far better than it was in the past and it will be even better in coming years. Batteries will be even cheaper and better in the future but the question is still there that are these battery cars real replacement of internal combustion engines

It is just too early to imagine, of course, and the automation factor is also there. The world’s two giants in the car market China and the US, we don’t know about their plans as they still have coal powered electricity plants and they produce more pollution than cars. They sporadically asked for a ban on the gas powered vehicles in the past but these vehicles are still on the roads.
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